Mobile Gesture Definitions

Đây là bài thứ hai (Part 2: Mobile Gesture Definitions) nằm trong tập hợp các Từ vựng kiểm thử phần mềm.

Mobile Gesture Definitions
  • Tap – Quick touch in a given place
  • Double Tap – 2 quick, sequential taps in a given place
  • Transform -Scaling or rotating with 2 fingers
  • Transform Start – Finger contact that initiates the transform action
  • Transform End – Finger contact that ends the transform action
  • Swipe – Directional move with high end velocity
  • Swipe Up – Upward move with high end velocity
  • Swipe Down – Downward move with high end velocity
  • Swipe Left – Leftward move with high end velocity
  • Swipe Right – Rightward move with high end velocity
  • Drag Start – The start of a swipe gesture that takes longer than the standard threshold of time
  • Drag End – The end of a swipe gesture that takes longer than the standard threshold of time
  • Drag Up – Upward drag
  • Drag Down – Downward drag
  • Drag Left – Leftward drag
  • Drag Right – Rightward drag
  • Hold – A sustained complete touch event
  • Release – Ending a complete touch event and letting go
  • Rotate – 2 finger, angular transformation of the page content
  • Pinch – Multifinger increase/decrease of scale
  • Pinch In – Multifinger decrease of scale
  • Pinch Out – Multifinger increase of scale
  • Touch – Initial contact with screen

Download More Documents.

  1. TouchGestureGuide.pdf
  2. TouchGestureCards.pdf








Nguồn: & Google images.

Kiểm thử di động, Kiểm thử phần mềm